學術著作 Publications
*:通訊作者(corresponding author)
英文著作 International Journal Papers (Published or Accepted)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Diabat, Ali; Li, Yi-Ting; Yang, Yu-Ming (2022.01). Combined passenger and parcel transportation using a mixed fleet of electric and gasoline vehicles. Transportation Research Part E, 157, Article No. 102546. (SCI/SSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3; MOST 108-2410-H-009 -037-MY2)
Li, Hui-Chieh; Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2021.12). A simulation-based genetic algorithm for solving the fleet allocation problem in an electric vehicle sharing system. Asian Transport Studies. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3) Li, Hui-Chieh 為博後; Timo Eccarius (劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Chang, Cheng-Yu; Chien, Yu-Shyun (2021.11). A two-stage optimization model-based heuristic for solving the vehicle routing problem for home delivery logistics service providers. The Journal of the EASTS. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3; MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
Eccarius, Timo; Leung, Abraham; Shen, Chung-Wei; Burke, Matthew; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2021, 10). Prospects for shared electric velomobility: Profiling potential adopters at a multi-campus university. Journal of Transport Geography, 96, Article No: 103190 (SSCI; 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3) Timo Eccarius (劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Liang, Jyun-Kai; Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2021.08). Investigating re-use intentions for shared bicycles: A loyalty phase perspective. Research in Transportation Business and Management, In Press, Article No: 100696 (SSCI; MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3; MOST 108-2410-H-009 -037 -MY2) Liang, Jyun-Kai為本人科技部計畫博後; Timo Eccarius (劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Cheng, Chen-Yang; Ying Kuo-Ching; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Yuangyai*, Chumpol and Chiang, Wan-Chen (2021.08). An auction bidding approach to balance performance bonuses in vehicle routing problems with time windows. Sustainability, 13, Article No: 9430. (SCI)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng, Yan, S., Li, Hui-Chieh, Diabat, Ali, and Wang, Hsiao-Tung (2021.06) Optimal fleet deployment for electric vehicle sharing systems with the consideration of demand uncertainty. Computers & Operations Research, 135, Article No: 105437 (SCI; MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3)
Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2020.08). Adoption intentions for micro-mobility – Insights from electric scooter sharing in Taiwan. Transportation Research Part D, 84, Article No: 102327. (SCI/SSCI; MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2, MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) Timo Eccarius(劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Liu, Yunhua; Dehghani, Ehsan; Jabalameli, Mohammad Saeed; Diabat, Ali; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2020, 04). A coordinated location-inventory problem with supply disruptions: A two-phase queuing theory optimization model approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 142, Article No: 106326. (SCI)
Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2020.03). Powered two-wheelers for sustainable mobility: a review of consumer adoption of electric motorcycles. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 14(3), 215-231. (SSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3) Timo Eccarius(劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Li, Yongbo; Diabat, Ali; Lu*, Chung‑Cheng (2020.01). Leagile supplier selection in Chinese textile industries: a DEMATEL approach. Annals of Operations Research, 287(1), 303-322. (SCI)
Liang, Jyun-Kai; Eccarius, Timo; and Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019.12). Investigating factors that affect the intention to use shared parking: a case study of Taipei city. Transportation Research Part A, 130, 799-812. (SCI/SSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3 and MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) Liang, Jyun-Kai為本人科技部計畫博後; Timo Eccarius (劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
Yan, Shangyoa; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Hsieh, Jun-Hsiao; Lin, Han-Chun (2019.09). A dynamic and flexible berth allocation model with stochastic vessel arrival times. Networks & Spatial Economics, 19(3), 903-927. (SCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3)
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Wei; Ying*, Kuo-Ching (2018.12). Minimizing the sum of makespan and total weighted tardiness in a no-wait flowshop. IEEE Access, 6, 78666-78677. (SCI)
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Yan, Shangyao; Huang, Yu-Wei (2018.08). Optimal scheduling of a taxi fleet with mixed electric and gasoline vehicles to service advance reservations. Transportation Research Part C, 93, 479-500. (SCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3)
Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Wei (2018.08). Improved exact methods for solving no-wait flowshop scheduling problems with due date constraints. IEEE Access, 6, 30702-30713. (SCI)
Chen, Mu-Chen; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Liu, Yi-Ching (2018.03). Optimal Consolidation of Fresh Agricultural Products in a Multi-Temperature Joint Distribution System. International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(3), 887-901. (SSCI)
Yu, Vincent F.; Purwanti, Sesya Sri; Redi, A. A. N. Perwira; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2018.03). Simulated annealing heuristic for the general share-a-ride problem. Engineering Optimization, 50(7), 1178-1197. (SCI)
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Yan*, Shangyao; Ko, Hao-Chih (2018.02). A bilevel model with a solution algorithm for locating weigh-in-motion stations. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(2). (SCI; MOST 102-2410-H-027-015-MY3).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Wei; Chen, Hui-Ju; Ying, Kuo-Ching (2018.02). Optimal allocation of cashiers and pharmacists in large hospitals: a point-wise fluid-based dynamic queueing network approach. IEEE Access, 6, 2859 – 2870. (SCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3)
Yan, Shangyao; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Wang, Min-Hung (2018.01). Stochastic fleet deployment models for public bicycle rental systems. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 12(1), 39-52. (SSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009-062-MY3).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying Kuo-Ching; Lin, Shih-Wei; Chen, Jie-Ning (2017.08). Single-machine scheduling with learning effects and maintenance: A methodological note on some polynomial-time solvable cases. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 1-6. (SCI).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Ramos, Phoeberry; Chen, Shang-Yu (2017.06). Supplier selection considering buyers’ risk-taking behavior: A SMART-based approach incorporating utility function. NTU Management Review, 27(2), 1-30. (TSSCI; NSC 102-2410-H-027-015-MY3).
Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lin, Shih-Wei; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2017.03). Effective dynamic dispatching rule and constructive heuristic for solving single-machine scheduling problems with a common due window. International Journal of Production Research, 55(6), 1707-1719. DOI 10.1080/00207543.2016.1224949 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.693; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Liu, Jiangtao; Qu, Yunchao; Peeta, Srinivas; Rouphail, Nagui M.; Zhou*, Xuesong (2016.12). Eco-system optimal time-dependent flow assignment in a congested network. Transportation Research Part B, 94, 217-239. (SCI/SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.769. MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3).
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2016.12). A model of green acceptance and intentions to use bike-sharing: YouBike users in Taiwan. Networks and Spatial Economics, 16(4), 1103-1124. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.250. NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3) Chen, Shang-Yu (陳尚佑)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2011.09--2015.12)
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying*, Kuo-Ching; Chen, Hui-Ju (2016.09). Real-time relief distribution in the aftermath of disasters – A rolling horizon approach. Transportation Research Part E, 93, 1-20. (SCI/SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.279. NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Chen, Jhao-Cheng (2016.08). Exact algorithms for single-machine scheduling problems with a variable maintenance. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 98, 427-433. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.086; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Tsai*, Feng-Ming; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Chang, Yu-Ming (2016.06). A network model for solving the yard truck routing and scheduling problem. International Journal of Logistics Management, 27(2), 353-370. (SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.917)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2016.03). Robust multi-period fleet allocation models for bike-sharing systems. Networks & Spatial Economics, 16(1), 61-82. DOI 10.1007/s11067-013-9203-9. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.250. NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2016.01). Exploring the relationships of green perceived value, the diffusion of innovations, and the technology acceptance model of green transportation. Transportation Journal, 55(1), 51-77. (SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.488. NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3) Chen, Shang-Yu (陳尚佑)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2011.09--2015.12)
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2015.06). Investigating the psychology to green transportation via the green service profit chain. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 7(3), 143-153. (SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.405; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1942787514Y.0000000043) Chen, Shang-Yu (陳尚佑)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2011.09--2015.12)
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2015.06). Assessing the competitiveness of insurance corporations using fuzzy correlation analysis and improved fuzzy modified TOPSIS. Expert Systems, 32(3), 392-404. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.947; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3) (DOI: 10.1111/exsy.12099) Chen, Shang-Yu (陳尚佑)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2011.09--2015.12)
Hu, Hua-Zhi; Sheu*, Jiuh-Biing; Zhao, Lei; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2015.06). A dynamic closed-loop vehicle routing problem with uncertainty and incompatible goods. Transportation Research Part C, 55, 273-297. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075) (doi:10.1016/j.trc.2015.01.010)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2015.03). Robust data envelopment analysis approaches for evaluating algorithmic performance. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 81, 78-89 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.086; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Yan, Shangyao; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Hsieh, Jun-Hsiao (2015.03). A network flow model for the dynamic and flexible berth allocation problem. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 81, 65-77 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.086).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lin*, Shih-Wei (2014.10). Minimizing worst-case regret of makespan on a single machine with uncertain processing and setup times. Applied Soft Computing, 23, 144-151. (DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2014.06.006) (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.857; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lin*, Shih-Wei (2014.08). Robust single machine scheduling for minimizing total flow time in the presence of uncertain processing times. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 74, 102-110. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2014.04.013) (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.086; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2014.08). Appraising marketing performance for insurance business through improved fuzzy modified GRA. The Journal of Grey System, 26(3), 96-116 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.725; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3). Chen, Shang-Yu (陳尚佑)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2011.09--2015.12)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhou, Xuesong (2014.06). Short-term highway traffic state prediction using structural state space models. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, 18(3), 309-322. (DOI 10.1080/15472450.2013.836929) (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.565. NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Wu, Yen-Chun (2014.03). Evaluation of heuristics using Data Envelopment Analysis. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 13, 1-16. (DOI: S0219622014500606) (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.183; NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
Wu, Yen-Chun; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lirn*, Taih-Cherng; Yuan, Chih-Huang (2014.01). An overview of university level sustainable transportation curricula in North America and Europe. Transportation Research Part D, 26, 27-31. (DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2013.10.006) (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.864).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2013.12). A column generation-based algorithm for multi-class dynamic user equilibrium problem. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies, 10, 676-695. (Online ISSN: 1881-1124; ISSN 1341-8521; NSC 97-2410-H-027-019).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2013.10). Robust weighted vertex p-center model considering uncertain data: an application to emergency management. European Journal of Operational Research, 230(1), 113-121 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.679; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Zhou*, Xuesong; Zhang, Kuilin (2013.09). Dynamic origin-destination demand flow estimation under congested traffic conditions. Transportation Research Part C, 34, 16-37 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Tsai, Kune-Muh; Chen, Jung-Hung; Lee, Wang-Tsang (2013.9). Mitigating the bullwhip effect in the supply chain of semiconductor assembly and testing through an inter-business information platform. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 11(3), 202-211 (EI and ABI/INFORM).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Sheu, Jiuh-Biing (2013.08). Robust vertex p-center model for locating urgent relief distribution centers. Computers & Operations Research, 40(8), 2128-2137 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.988; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
Zhang, Kuilin; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2013.02). Dynamic pricing, heterogeneous users and perception error: probit-based bi-criterion dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment. Transportation Research Part C, 27, 189-204 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Tsai*, Kune-Muh; Chen, Jung-Hung (2012.12). Evaluation of manufacturing system redesign with multiple types of postponement. International Journal of Production Research, 50(24), 7167-7180 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.693; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
Lin, Shih-Wei; Huang, Chien-Yi; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying*, Kuo-Ching (2012.10). Minimizing total flowtime in permutation flowshop environment. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, 8(10), 1-11.
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Yu*, Vincent F. (2012.09). Data envelopment analysis for evaluating the efficiency of genetic algorithms on solving the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(2), 520-529 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.086; NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Wei; Ying*, Kuo-Ching (2012.07). Robust scheduling on a single machine to minimize total flow time. Computers & Operations Research, 39(7), 1682-1691 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.988; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2012.07). An adaptive system for predicting freeway travel time. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 11(4), 727-747 (SCI; 2015 Impact Factor: 1.183; NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2012.03). Robust optimization approach for system optimal dynamic traffic assignment with demand uncertainty. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29(2), 136-147 (EI/TSSCI; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Yang, Cheng-Yao (2012.03). The performance of Genetic Algorithms on solving the pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem. Asian Transport Studies, 2(1), 64-79 (NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lee, Zne-Jung; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lin*, Shih-Wei (2012.01). Metaheuristics for scheduling a no-wait flowshop manufacturing cell with sequence-dependent family setups. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58(5), 671-682 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.568).
Fei, Xaing; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Liu, Ke (2011.12). A Bayesian dynamic linear model approach for real-time short term freeway travel time prediction. Transportation Research Part C, 19(6), 1306-1318 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075; NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
Lin, Shih-Wei; Yu*, Vincent F.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2011.12). A simulated annealing heuristic for the truck and trailer routing problem with time windows. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), 15244-15252 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.981).
Dong, Jing; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Erdoğan, Sevgi ; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2011.08). State-dependent pricing for real-time freeway management: anticipatory versus reactive strategies. Transportation Research Part C, 19(4), 644-657 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075).
Lin, Shih-Wwi; Lee, Zne-Jung; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying*, Kuo-Ching (2011.05). Minimization of maximum lateness on parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup times and job release dates. Computers & Operations Research, 38(5), 809-815 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.988).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2011.04). Modeling heterogeneous network user route and departure time responses to dynamic pricing. Transportation Research Part C, 19(2), 320-337 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075; NSC 97-2410-H-027-010).
Lin, Shih-Wei; Ying*, Kuo-Ching; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Gupta, J. N. D. (2011.04). Applying multi-start simulated annealing to schedule a flowline manufacturing cell with sequence dependent family setup times. International Journal of Production Economics, 130(2), 246-254 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 2.782).
Lin, Shi-Wei; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Ying*, Kuo-Ching (2011.03). Minimization of total tardiness on unrelated parallel machines with sequence- and machine-dependent setup times under due date constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53(1-4), 353-361 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.568).
Ying, Kuo-Ching; Lin*, Shih-Wei; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2011.01). Cell formation using a simulated annealing algorithm with variable neighborhood. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(1), 22-42 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.718).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2009.12). Dynamic pricing with heterogeneous users: a gap-driven solution approach for bi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium problem. Transportation Research Record, 2090, 75-85 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522; NSC 97-2410-H-027-010).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Zhou, Xuesong (2009.03). Equivalent gap function-based reformulation and solution algorithm for the dynamic user equilibrium problem. Transportation Research Part B, 43(3), 345-364 (SSCI/SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.769).
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2008.12). Modeling user responses to pricing: simultaneous route and departure time network equilibrium with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Record, 2085, 124-135 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Zhang, Kuilin; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2008.12). A Probit-based time-dependent stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment model. Transportation Research Record, 2085, 86-94 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Miller-Hooks, Elise; Zhang, Kuilin; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Arcot, Vishnu; Kozuki, Aaron; Kuo, April; Nair, Raul (2008.12). Application and validation of a dynamic freight simulation-assignment model to a large-scale intermodal rail network: Pan-European case. Transportation Research Record, 2066, 9-20 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Lu, Chung-Cheng, Mahmassani*, Hani S., Zhou, Xuesong (2008.08). A bi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium traffic assignment model and solution algorithm for evaluating dynamic road pricing strategies. Transportation Research Part C, 16(4), 371-389 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.075).
Sbayti, Haysam; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007.12). Efficient implementations of the method of successive averages in simulation-based DTA models for large-scale network applications. Transportation Research Record, 2029, 22-30 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Zhang, Kuilin; Dong, Jing; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Arcot, Vishnu; Miller-Hooks, Elise (2007.12). A dynamic network simulation-assignment platform for multi-product intermodal freight transportation analysis. Transportation Research Record, 2032, 9-16 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Lu, Chung-Cheng ; Zhou, Xuesong; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2006.12). Variable toll pricing and heterogeneous users: model and solution algorithm for the bi-criterion dynamic traffic assignment problem. Transportation Research Record, 1964, 19-26 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Dong, Jing; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2006.12). How reliable is this route? Predictive travel time and reliability for anticipatory traveler information systems. Transportation Research Record, 1980, 117-125 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
Mahmassani*, Hani S., Zhou, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2005.12). Toll pricing and heterogeneous users: approximation algorithms for finding bi-criterion time-dependent efficient paths in large-scale traffic networks. Transportation Research Record, 1923, 28-36 (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 0.522).
中文著作 Regional/Local Journal Papers (Published or Accepted)
盧宗成*、梁竣凱、林玟妗 (2022.04). 以卷積神經網路建構客運駕駛跟車距離之分類模式. 管理與系統, 29(2),。(TSSCI)
盧宗成*、洪筠筑 (2021). 預約制共享停車位系統車位排程最佳化模式與演算法. 運輸學刊, 33(4) ,。(TSSCI; MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) 中華民國運輸學會108年年會與學術論文國際研討會,論文獎第三名
梁竣凱、盧宗成*、陳健程 (2021.09). 潛在使用者對在地化共享運輸服務潛願付價格之研究:以偏鄉居民為例. 運輸計劃季刊, 50(3), 199-223。(TSSCI; MOST 108-2410-H-009 -037 -MY2)
盧宗成*、梁竣凱、曲平、王晉元、吳東凌、陳翔捷(2021.06). 應用手機信令資料預測觀光景點拜訪人數. 運輸計劃季刊, 50(2), 145-176。(TSSCI)
顏上堯, 盧宗成*, 洪逸樺 (2020.03). 機場出境行李卸載轉盤指派最佳化模式與演算法. 運輸計劃季刊, 49(1), 93-116。(TSSCI)
王晉元, 盧宗成*, 李晟豪, 陳其華, 吳東凌, 陳翔捷 (2019.06). 手機信令資料探勘於改善觀光旅客公共運輸服務之研究—以花蓮縣台灣好行路線為例. 運輸計劃季刊, 48(2), 105-132. (TSSCI)
劉易(Time Eccarius), 盧宗成* (2018.12). 消費者對電動機車共享使用意圖之推理探究. 運輸計劃季刊, 47(4), 271-296. (TSSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3) Timo Eccarius(劉易)為本人指導畢業之博士 (2016.08~2020.02)
盧宗成*, 陳慧如, 余宗琪 (2018.01). 大型醫院批價與領藥服務人力配置之最佳化模型. 管理與系統,25(1), 1-27. (TSSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3).
盧宗成*, 顏上堯, 林韋捷 (2017.06). 電動車共享系統車隊佈署最佳化模式. 運輸計劃季刊, 46(2), 191-216. (ISSN: 1017-7159) (TSSCI; MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3).
盧宗成*, Phoeberry Ramos, 陳尚佑 (2017.06). 考量買方風險接受態度的供應商選擇: 結合效用函數的簡單多屬性評比方法. 台大管理論叢, 27(2), 1-30 (ISSN: 1018-1601 E-ISSN: 2410-2490) (TSSCI; NSC 102-2410-H-027-015-MY3).
顏上堯, 盧宗成*, 吳忠霖 (2015.06). 考量時間帶分配及變動性需求之航空公司飛航排程模式. 中國土木水利工程學刊, 27(2), 75-86 (EI).
顏上堯, 盧宗成*, 徐鸛侖 (2015.03). 考慮護運風險下保全運鈔車路線與排程模式暨演算法之研究. 運輸計劃季刊 (ISSN: 1017-7159), 44(1), 45-68 (TSSCI).
盧宗成*, 古澤民, 胡書豪 (2013.03). 緊急救災物資配送中心區位選擇模式.運輸學刊 (ISSN: 1027-2275), 25(1), 65-92 (TSSCI; NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
盧宗成* (2011.12). 考慮異質使用者與旅行時間感知誤差於動態道路定價下之動態使用者均衡模式. 運輸學刊 (ISSN: 1027-2275), 23(4), 411-436 (中華民國道路協會101年論文獎;TSSCI; NSC 97-2410-H-027-010).
盧宗成*, 沈郁珺 (2011.08). 即時收送貨車輛路線問題求解策略之比較. 國立台北科技大學學報 (ISSN: 1029-3981), 44(1), 1-12 (NSC 98-2410-H-027-003).
喻奉天, 林宗漢, 盧宗成* (2011.06). 應用蟻群系統求解卡車與拖車途程問題. 運輸學刊(ISSN: 1027-2275), 23(2), 199-218 (TSSCI).
盧宗成*, 黃榆婷, 高于珺, 吳純雅 (2009.08). 宅配服務的重要性與滿意度分析. 工商管理學刊, 5(1), 57-70.
王晉元*, 盧宗成, 張惠汶, 孟億里, 錢建中 (2003.03). 先進安全車輛研發策略之研究. 運輸學刊 (ISSN: 1027-2275), 15(1), 79-98.
國際論文研討會 International Conference Papers or Presentations
Lu*, Chung-Cheng, Chang Cheng-Yu, Chien, Yu-Shyun (2021). A two-stage optimization model-based heuristic for solving the vehicle routing problem for home delivery logistics service providers. The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2021). September 12-15, Hiroshima, Japan. (MOST 110-2221-E-A49-010-MY3).
Li, Hui-Chieh, Eccarius, Timo, Lu*, Chung-Cheng, Hsieh Min-Yi (2021). A simulation-based genetic algorithm for solving the fleet allocation problem in an electric vehicle sharing system. The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2021). September 12-15, Hiroshima, Japan. (MOST 110-2221-E-A49-010-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng, Lan, Yi-Cheng, Chien, Yu-Shyun (2021). Optimal scheduling of unmanned aerial vehicles for meal delivery services. The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (iFORS 2021). August 23-27, Seoul, Korea. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng, Sun, Jui-Jing (2021). Optimal scheduling problem for express delivery services using s-scooters. The 4th European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM2021). August 2-5, Rome, Italy (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Wang, Hsiao-Tung (2019). Optimal fleet deployment for electric vehicle sharing systems considering demand uncertainty. The 3rd International Symposium on Multimodal Transportation (ISMT2019). December 6-7, Singapore. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3).
Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019). Consumer reasoning for and against shared-use e-mobility: the case of e-scooter sharing. The 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS2019). December 14-16, Hong Kong, China. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2)
Hung, Yun-Chu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019). A network flow model for scheduling advance reservations of shared parking systems. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019, October 20-23, Seattle, USA. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
Lin, Chih-Kang; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019). Solving the same-day delivery order assignment problem for E-commerce logistics. International Congress on Logistics and Supply Chains (ICLS2019). August 19-22, Taipei, Taiwan. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
Hung, Yun-Chu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019). Optimal scheduling of advance reservations for shared parking systems. Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) workshop. July 15-18, Vienna, Austria. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Li, Yi-Ting; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2019). Optimization model for the general share-a-ride problem with electric vehicles. International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2019). July 14-17, Würzburg, Germany. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Eccarius, Timo; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2018). Consumer reasoning for and against shared-use e-mobility: The case of e-scooter sharing. The 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS2018). December 8-10, Hong Kong, China. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Chang, Cheng-Yu (2018). Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Practical Considerations. International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2018), July 8-11, Bali, Indonesia. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Chen, Hui-Ju; Wang, Hsiao-Tung (2018). The fleet deployment problem for electric vehicle sharing systems with uncertain demand. International bi-annual symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2018). June 6-8, Hong Kong, China. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Eccarius, Timo (2017). Relief demand estimation for the emergency logistics in the aftermath of disasters. The 22nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS2017). December 9-11, Hong Kong, China. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2017). Optimal fleet deployment for electric vehicle sharing systems. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, October 22-25, Houston, Texas, USA (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
Hsu*, Chia-Lin; Chen, Mu-Chen; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2016). Understanding the impact of gamification marketing activities on value, brand love, and desirable consumer behaviors. 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference (MTPC), April 3-4, Kyoto, Japan. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Yan, Shangyao (2015). Optimal fleet deployment models with stochastic demand for bike-sharing systems. 2015 European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015), July 12-15, Glasgow, UK. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Hu, Shu-Hao (2015). Heuristics for the life detector routing problem over a street network: the search-and-rescue after earthquakes. 2015 International Conference on Evacuation Management (ICEM), June 1-3, Tainan, Taiwan. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Chen, Shang-Yu (2015). Appraising marketing performance for insurance businesses through improved fuzzy modified GRA. Proceedings of International Conference on Innovation and Management Winter (IAM2015W; ISSN: 2218-6387), February 3-6, Singapore. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhou, Xuesong (2014). Finding green system optimal routing policies through a multi-scale dynamic path flow assignment model. 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 9-12, San Francisco, USA (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Yang, Ruei-Yu; Lin, Wei-Chieh (2014). Optimal fleet allocation and repositioning for public bicycle-sharing systems. 2014 International Conference on Business and Information. July 3-5, Osaka, Japan. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Chen, Shang-Yu; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2014). Marketing performance evaluation framework for insurance companies using Fuzzy AHP and improved Fuzzy TOPSIS. 2014 International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making. May 17, New Taipei city (Tamshui), Taiwan. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Ramos, Phoeberry (2014). Utility-based multi-attribute approach for supplier selection considering buyers’ risk-taking behavior. 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference. April 4-5, Kitakyushu, Japan. (Recommended Paper Award; NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Sheu, Jiuh-Biing; Hsieh, Min-Yi (2013). Highway traffic state estimation and prediction considering measurement errors and traffic uncertainty. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS2013). December 14-16, Hong Kong, China. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2013). A column generation-based algorithm for multi-class dynamic user equilibrium problem. Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transport Studies, 9. (ISSN: 1881-1132), September 9-12, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC 97-2410-H-027-019)
Wu*, Yen-Chun; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Lirn, Taih-Cherng; Yuan, Chih-Hung (2013). A web-based analysis of sustainable transportation curricula. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (ISBN: 978-1-61896-021-4), March 11-13, Wuhan, China.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhou, Xuesong (2013). Finding green system optimal routing policies through multiscale dynamic path flow assignment model. Paper number: 13-5365. The 92nd Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington, D.C., USA.
Zhang, Kuilin; Zhou, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng Zhang, Kuilin; Zhou, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng Zhang, Kuilin; Zhou, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-ChengZhang*, Kuilin; Zhou, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2013). Novel integer program formulation for dynamic traffic assignment problem. Paper number: 13-4180. The 92nd Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, Washington, D.C., USA.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Sheu, Jiuh-Biing; Tsai, Kune-Muh; Chen, Jung-Hung (2012). Enhancing information sharing and collaboration in the supply chain of semiconductor assembly and testing industry. The 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, December 15-17, Hong Kong, China. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhang, Kuilin; Zhou, Xuesong (2012). A nonlinear integer program for vehicle-based dynamic traffic assignment. 2012 INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 14-17, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhou, Xuesong; Zhang, Kuilin (2012). Dynamic origin–destination demand flow estimation using heterogeneous data sources under congested traffic conditions. The 4th Transportation Research Board Conference on Innovations in Travel Modeling, April 30-May 2, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Zhou, Xuesong; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Zhang, Kuilin (2012). Dynamic origin-destination demand flow estimation under congested traffic conditions: a general framework. (#12-4339) The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Dong, Jing; Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2012). Evaluation of intermodal freight transportation network performance under disruptions – an analytical fluid-based approximation approach. The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Yang, Cheng-Yao (2011). The performance of Genetic algorithms on solving the pickup and delivery vehicle routing problem with soft time window. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies), June 20-23, Jeju, Korea (Paper ID: 100164). (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Tsai*, Kune-Muh; Chen, Jung-Hung (2011). An integrated business and logistics hub in semiconductor assembly and testing in Taiwan. The 6th International Congress on Logistic and SCM Systems (ICLS), March 7-9, Kaohsiung (National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences), Taiwan.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Sheu, Jiuh-Biing; Zhang, Kuilin (2011). A robust optimization approach for system optimal dynamic traffic assignment with demand uncertainty. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 23-27, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng (2010). A robust vertex p-center model for locating urgent relief distribution centers. 2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 7-10, Austin, Texas, USA. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
Zhang, Kuilin; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2010). Dynamic pricing, heterogeneous users and perception error: bi-criterion dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment. The 7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), June 20-25, Tromsø, Norway.
Fei, Xiang; Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Liu, Ke; Li, Xiaoling (2010). A Bayesian dynamic linear model approach for short term freeway travel time prediction. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC98-2410-H-027-003)
Zhang, Kuilin; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2010). Dynamic pricing, heterogeneous users, and perception error: probit-based bi-criterion dynamic stochastic user equilibrium assignment. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 10-14, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC 98-2410-H-027-003)
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Jiang, Lan; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2009). Large network application of bi-criterion dynamic traffic assignment model with heterogeneous users. 2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 11-14, San Diego, California, USA.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Yang, Ta-Hui (2009). Comparing network performance under the provision of predictive and prevailing travel information. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics (IEEE SOLI 2009), July 22-24, Chicago, IL, USA. (EI, IEEE Xplore).
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2009). Modeling heterogeneous network user route and departure time responses to dynamic pricing. The 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, July 16-18, Hong Kong, China. (NSC 97-2410-H-027-010)
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Wang, Jin-Yuan. (2009). An optimization-based approach for driver scheduling of the mass rapid transit system. The 11th International Conference on Advanced Systems for Public Transport, July 20-22, Hong Kong, China.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2009). Dynamic pricing with heterogeneous users: a gap-driven solution approach for bi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium problem. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, Washington, D.C., USA. (NSC 97-2410-H-027-010)
Zhang, Kuilin; Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2009). Probit-based time-dependent stochastic user equilibrium: reformulation and solution algorithm. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January 11-15, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA.
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2008). Modeling user responses to pricing: simultaneous route and departure time network equilibrium with heterogeneous users. The 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January, 13-17, Washington, D.C., USA.
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007). Gap-driven algorithms for the dynamic user equilibrium problem on large networks. 2007 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007). Multi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium for road pricing applications with heterogeneous users. 2007 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Dong, Jing; Erdogan, Sevgi; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007). Online DTA and anticipatory pricing for real-time traffic management. 2007 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Arcot, Vishnu; Dong, Jing; Kuo, April; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Miller-Hooks, Elise; Nair, Raul; Zhang, Kuilin (2007). Intermodal freight DTA platform: application to evaluation of new services in European corridor. 2007 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 4-7, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Miller-Hooks*, Elise; Mahmassani, Hani S.; Nair, Raul; Zhang, Kuilin; Arcot, Vishun; Kuo, April; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Dong, Jing; Kozuki, Aaron (2007). Assessing service design options and strategies for overcoming barriers in the REORIENT intermodal freight transport corridor. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, October 17-19, Noordwijk Aan Zee, The Netherlands. Available online: www.etcproceedings.org.
Lu, Chung-Cheng, Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007). Heterogeneous users and variable road pricing: model and algorithm for solving the bi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium problem. The 6th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI), June 10-15, Phuket Island, Thailand. Available online: http://tristan.epfl.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4.
Dong, Jing; Erdogan, Sevgi; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2007). State-dependent pricing for real-time freeway management: static, reactive and anticipatory. The 86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January, 21-25, Washington, D.C., USA.
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Zhang, Kuilin; Dong, Jing (2006). Dynamic simulation assignment model for intermodal freight transportation. 2006 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 5-8, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Lu, Chung-Cheng; Zhou, Xuesong; Mahmassani*, Hani S. (2006). Variable toll pricing and heterogeneous users: model and solution algorithm for the bi-criterion dynamic traffic assignment problem. The 85th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, January, 22-26, Washington, D.C., USA.
Zhou*, Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2005). Reformulation and algorithms for OD estimation: a traffic assignment model with side constraints. 2005 INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 13-16, San Francisco, California, USA.
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Dong Jing (2005). Value of information: provision of anticipatory descriptive travel information through a real-time traffic estimation and prediction System. Proceeding of the 12th ITS World Congress, November 6-10, San Francisco, California, USA.
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Zhou Xuesong; Lu, Chung-Cheng (2005). Toll pricing and heterogeneous users: Approximation algorithms for finding bi-criterion time-dependent effiicient paths in large scale traffic networks. The 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January, 9-13, Washington, D.C., USA.
Mahmassani*, Hani S.; Lu, Chung-Cheng; Zhou Xuesong (2004). Re-optimization algorithms for the shortest path problem with stochastic value of time: application to dynamic road pricing evaluations. 2004 INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 24-27, Denver, Colorado, USA.
國內論文研討會 Local Conference Papers or Presentations
盧宗成*、林季萱、簡佑勳 (2021). 考慮使用者路徑選擇行為之電動車公共充電設施設址最佳化模式與演算法. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣. 論文獎第三名
盧宗成*、任家瑜、蔡汯諺 (2021). 考量機場入境航班抵達時間隨機性之行李卸載轉盤指派與排程問題. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣. 民航科技論文獎
盧宗成*、王蕾絜 (2021). 考慮混合車隊之電動公車排程問題. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、陳岳鴻、許瑋珊 (2021). 考慮旅行時間不確定性之電動公車充電排程最佳化. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、簡佑勳, 洪大成, 姚朝瑋, 張國浩, 蘇文瑞 (2021). 整合緊急救災物資募集調度中心設施區位與配送路徑之兩階段隨機規劃模式. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、簡憶如 (2021). 物流業導入數位轉型之關鍵成功因素探討. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成、王序予,林晨雁,黃薏臻,梁竣凱* (2021). 使用者基礎之公共自行車系統再平衡: 時間距離效應對願受價格之影響. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
黃昱凱*、盧宗成、方家為 (2021). 影響自駕公車決定道德困境決策因素之初探. 中華民國運輸學會110年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月2-3日, 陽明交通大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、蔡其峰、簡佑勳 (2020). 以變數產生法求解預約制停車位共享系統車位指派問題. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) 論文獎第一名
盧宗成、梁竣凱*、陳健程、簡佑勳 (2020). 潛在使用者對在地化需求反應式共享公共運輸服務之願付價格研究. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2)
盧宗成、藍奕丞、李慧潔* (2020). 以無人機配送餐點之最佳化排程問題.中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
劉易*、盧宗成 (2020). 共享行動服務下之使用意圖分析:以電動機車共享為例. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2)
王晉元、盧宗成*、楊煜民、王蕾絜、林季萱、吳東凌、陳翔捷 (2020). 多元交通行動服務會員使用共享機車轉乘分析–以高雄市MenGo系統為例. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣.
盧宗成、吳東凌、陳翔捷* (2020). 應用電信大數據於家旅次分析與公共運輸規劃. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣.
盧宗成、吳東凌、陳翔捷* (2020). 交通行動服務方案購買之決策樹分析與行銷策略. 中華民國運輸學會109年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣.
盧宗成、梁竣凱*、李侑庭 (2020),以忠誠階段理論探討使用者對共享自行車之綠色忠誠度,第三屆本土社會科學學術研討會暨第四屆本土諮商心理學學術研討會, 11月6-8日, 彰化師範大學, 彰化, 台灣。
盧宗成、梁竣凱*、林玟妗 (2019). 以卷積神經網路建構客運駕駛跟車行為類型之分類模式. 第25屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(IMP2019), 12月7日, 高雄科技大學, 高雄市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2) 論文獎第一名
盧宗成、梁竣凱*、曲平 (2019). 利用手機信令資料與馬可夫鏈模式預測觀光景點拜訪人數. 工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會 (CIIE 2019), 11月23日, 台北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) 最佳論文獎
盧宗成*、李依庭、藍奕丞 (2019). 使用電動車之一般共乘問題最佳化模式建構與求解. 第十五屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會, 11月8日, 警察大學, 桃園市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
盧宗成*、孫瑞璟、范良全 (2019). 電動機車快遞服務車輛排程最佳化問題. 中華民國運輸學會108年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月5-6日, 中華大學, 新竹市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3)
盧宗成*、洪筠筑 (2019). 預約制共享停車位系統車位使用之最佳化排程問題. 中華民國運輸學會108年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月5-6日, 中華大學, 新竹市, 台灣. (MOST 108-2221-E-009-017-MY3) 論文獎第三名
梁竣凱、盧宗成* (2019). 共享與分享. 第二屆社會科學本土化學術研討會, 11月8-9日, 彰化師大, 彰化, 台灣. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2)
梁竣凱、盧宗成* (2019). 華人員工自願學習動機:探索心理-社會工作依賴與工作投入之影響. 第二屆社會科學本土化學術研討會, 11月8-9日, 彰化師大, 彰化, 台灣. (MOST 108-2410-H-009-037-MY2)
林至康、盧宗成* (2018). 以時空網路模式求解電子商務當日配物流訂單指派問題. 第十四屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨國際研討會, 11月30日, 勤益科技大學, 台中市, 台灣. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
盧宗成*、梁竣凱、翁偉倫 (2018). 公共自行車使用者於他站租還車之願受價格研究-以台北市YouBike為例. 中華民國運輸學會107年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月6-7日, 逢甲大學, 台中市, 台灣. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
盧宗成*、梁竣凱、劉宗鑫 (2018). 共享停車位機制使用意圖之實徵研究. 中華民國運輸學會107年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月6-7日, 逢甲大學, 台中市, 台灣. (MOST 105-2410-H-009 -062 -MY3)
盧宗成*, 丁慶榮, 王貞淑, 陳穆臻, 陳慧如, 高增英, 洪上智 (2015). 動態車輛路線問題求解策略之比較. 工業工程學會104年度年會暨學術研討會, 12月12日, 國立勤益科技大學, 台中市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、林芷綉、吳東凌 (2015). 架設無線網路存取點於智慧型公車站牌之區位選擇模式: 以台北市公車動態資訊系統為例. 中華民國運輸學會104年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月3-4日, 國立臺灣海洋大學, 基隆市, 台灣. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
王貞淑, 盧宗成, 丁慶榮, 陳穆臻, 楊世強*, 高增英, 洪上智 (2015). 基於MapReduce於分散式基因演算法之應用與研究. 2015 國際資訊管理暨實務研討會(International Conference on Information Management and Practice, IMP), 11月27日, 國立勤益科技大學, 台中市, 台灣.
陳穆臻、盧宗成、林欣宜、許嘉霖* (2015). 新加坡自由貿易港區營運模式與我國之借鏡. 第14屆管理新思維國際研討會, 11月6日, 台灣科技大學, 台北市, 台灣.
陳穆臻、陳皇霖、李彥廷、盧宗成、高增英、李季森、祝鈞毅、洪上智(2014). SBD銷售模式之集貨與配送規劃. 工業工程學會103年年會暨學術研討會, 12月6日, 明志科技大學, 新北市, 台灣. 最佳論文獎
盧宗成*、謝閔易、王晉元、陳其華、吳東凌 (2014). 日月潭風景區電動車共享系統車輛配置最佳化模式. 中華民國運輸學會103年年會與學術論文國際研討會, 12月4-5日, 暨南國際大學, 南投縣, 台灣. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
盧宗成*、余宗琪、周祐靖、許博智、謝閔易 (2013). 雲端物流–雲端商用車輛路徑規劃系統之開發. 第十九屆資訊管理與實務研討會(ISBN: 978-986-03-9254-8), 12月7日, 台中科技大學, 台中市, 台灣. (NSC 102-2410-H-027-011-MY3)
盧宗成*、周祐靖 (2012). 區間卡爾曼演算法於高速公路即時交通狀態預測之應用. 第十八屆資訊管理與實務研討會(ISBN: 978-986-03-5344-0), 12月8日, 台北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
盧宗成*、陳凱瀛、陳穆臻、陳慧娟、黃立德、周祐靖 (2012). 環境因素對農產品貨架壽命影響之探討. 第十八屆資訊管理與實務研討會(ISBN: 978-986-03-5344-0), 12月8日, 台北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、余宗琪 (2012). 大型醫院領藥櫃台人力配置之最佳化模型. 第十八屆資訊管理與實務研討會(ISBN: 978-986-03-5344-0), 12月8日, 台北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
盧宗成*、胡書豪 (2012). 生命探測器於都市震災搜救之最佳路徑規劃. 中華民國運輸學會101年會暨學術論文國際研討會, 12月6日, 成功大學, 台南市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3)
盧宗成*、蔡坤穆、陳榮宏、李旺蒼 (2012). 日月光之採購風險管理: 資訊分享與延遲.《管理評論》第二屆管理個案研討會, 11月2日, 台北大學台北校區, 台北市, 台灣.
盧宗成*、廖翊斐、周祐靖 (2011). 結構狀態空間模型於高速公路即時交通狀態之預測. 中華民國運輸學會100年年會暨學術論文國際研討會, 12月1-2日, 交通大學, 新竹市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
盧宗成*、古澤民、胡書豪 (2011). 緊急救災物資配送中心區位選擇模式. 中華民國運輸學會100年年會暨學術論文國際研討會, 12月1-2日, 交通大學, 新竹市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3). 論文獎第二名
盧宗成*、陳俊維 (2011). 逐點流體基礎近似方法求解大眾運輸系統最佳時變發車頻率. 中華民國運輸學會100年年會暨學術論文國際研討會, 12月1-2日, 交通大學, 新竹市, 台灣. (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
盧宗成*, 廖翊斐. (2011) 高速公路即時交通狀態預測. 2011臺灣商管與資訊研討會, 4月28-29日, 台北大學, 新北市, 台灣 (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3). 佳作論文獎
盧宗成*、古澤民 (2011). 穩健節點p中心問題求解演算法. 2011臺灣商管與資訊研討會, 4月28-29日, 台北大學, 新北市, 台灣 (NSC 99-2410-H-027-007-MY3).
盧宗成*、蔡莘妤、古澤民 (2010). 從教師觀點探討大學評鑑指標的重要性與大學在各指標的績效滿意度. 2010商業管理研討會, 6月18日, 台北科技大學, 台北市, 台灣. NSC 98-2410-H-027-003.
盧宗成*、沈郁珺、林宗漢 (2010). 即時收送貨車輛路線問題求解策略之比較. 2010兩岸商管理論與實務研討會 (ISBN: 978-986-81885-5-6), 5月12-13日, 遠東科技大學, 台南縣, 台灣. NSC 98-2410-H-027-003.
盧宗成*, 黃榆婷, 高于珺, 吳純雅, 蔡莘妤 (2009). 宅配服務的重要性與滿意度分析. 臺灣商管理論與實務研討會, 5月8日, 遠東科技大學, 台南縣, 台灣.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2008). Dynamic pricing with heterogeneous users: a gap-driven solution approach for the bi-criterion dynamic user equilibrium problem. 2008 International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation (中華民國運輸學會97年年會暨學術論文國際研討會), December 4-5, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
林宗漢, 喻奉天*, 盧宗成 (2008). 應用螞蟻演算法求解卡車與拖車路線問題. 中華民國運輸學會97年年會暨學術論文國際研討會, 12月4-5日, 高雄市, 台灣.
楊大輝*, 盧宗成, 陳俞因 (2008). 應用基因演算法於軸輻式航空網路問題之研究. 管理策略與經濟發展學術研討會, 4月21日, 新竹市, 台灣.
Lu*, Chung-Cheng; Mahmassani, Hani S. (2007). On solving the time-dependent user equilibrium problem. 2007 International Conference and Annual Meeting of Chinese Institute of Transportation (中華民國運輸學會96年年會暨學術論文國際研討會), December 4-5, Taipei, Taiwan.
王晉元*, 盧宗成 (2001). 都市地區地震防災交通資料庫系統架構之規劃. 都市地區地震防災交通系統之研究八十九年度期末研究成果研討會論文集, pp. 37-63, 台南市, 台灣.
王晉元*, 吳東凌, 盧宗成 (1998). 警車定位與勤務指揮系統之研發. 中華民國運輸學會第13屆年會研討會論文集, pp. 907-916, 新竹市, 台灣.